
This Is Not A Film + Ghormeh Sabzi & Sabzi Polo

This Is Not A Film (2012)
It took me a little bit to understand the rhythm of this film. Or, this -not- film. The subject is Jafar Panahi, an Iranian filmmaker on house arrest, who has been banned from making films. It’s shot partially by Panahi himself on an iPhone, and partially with the assistance and direction of Mojtaba Mirtahmasb, a fellow Iranian filmmaker.
We watch Panahi reflect on his career, on filmmaking, and on its meaning as he essentially tries to act out his unmade screenplay, using parts of his house as the set, taping off sections to indicate different rooms.
But, it very quickly proves unfulfilling and aggravating for Panahi. As he states himself, ‘if we could tell a film, then why make a film?’
It’s a very intimate look at Panahi’s reality, and at the reality of many who express even a whisper of potential dissidence in modern-day Iran. So far I haven’t talked much about politics, oppression, or resistance in Iran; I kind of feel like I should, but I’m also not sure what to say, or what I would add to the conversation. In this instance I find it most useful to learn from primary sources, from people who can accurately express the nuance and complexities of a situation because it’s their personal reality. To keep watching, keep listening, keep caring. Keep supporting the people who speak out, especially the women fighting for their right to exist.
This documentary wasn’t necessarily a conventional watch, though it absolutely felt like a powerful and important one.

Ghormeh Sabzi & Sabzi Polo
Ghormeh Sabzi is one of the iconic dishes of Iran, so I definitely wanted to include it in the lineup. It’s usually made with meat, so I referenced a handful of different vegetarian versions to create something that sounded best to me. The recipes I incorporated or referenced are this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one.
I wanted to make a type of rice to go with it, and since I’d already made a saffron rice, I opted for an herbed rice option. I loosely followed these two recipes, and got a sabzi polo spice blend at a local store.
Finally, I wanted to include a beverage, so I got this fun looking pomegranate option that went very well.

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